FAQ, for exhibitors

When is the handover of the keys?

The handover of the galleries is on Tuesdays at 12:00.

Can I get compensated for snacks?

Yes, you can submit your receipts for snacks at your opening via this form. Please keep in mind that we cannot compensate for any alcohol. You are able to be reimbursed for up to 150 SEK.

Where can I find the blueprints of the galleries?

You can find the blueprints here.

Good luck with your exhibition! :)

Good luck with your exhibition! :)

Who should I contact for the handover?

Contact Mina Stokke from management and confirm that you will be there.
Mail: gusminst@student.gu.se

Who should I contact if I have questions about pr?

Any questions regarding PR are best sent to our Instagram @galleri_hdkvaland or to gallerigruppen@hdk-valand.gu.se.

Why do I need to sign a contract?

You need to sign a contract for the galleries in order to be allowed to use the spaces. Contracts for specific galleries can be found here.

What should I do if I want @gallerigruppen_hdkvaland to post about my exhibition?

Send pictures and a description about your exhibition to gallerigruppen@hdk-valand.gu.se as early as possible, and the PR-group will post about it on social media.